Thursday, May 10, 2012

Much Ado About Nothing!?!

Day one of recovery.  Frankly I expected pain and soreness.  Scarily, not much of either was to be had.  I spent 1.5 hours of every 2 hours doing physical training prescription...1 hr on CPM, 30 ankle pumps, 30 Quad sets, 10 leg lifts and 20 minutes of ice.  Watched a couple of free tv episodes on my Kindle Fire in bed.  I napped in the middle of the day too.

Tip:  I made an Excel log sheet of all the stuff I am supposed to do.  Have one for every day.  With all the stuff going on, it is easier to keep track of everything.  I will post it on a static page in the near future.  

I ended up not doing the ice anymore.  The bandage was so think I didn't feel the coldness coming through in 20-30 minutes of application.  Plus, the weight of the ice hurt my knee more than the supposed beneficial effect of the ice.  I am compressing the wound (bandage) and elevating it as much as possible to keep down the swelling so sayonara to the ice bag for now.

You are not supposed to even to touch down on your operated leg for the first two weeks.  This is difficult.  I found a quick way to be vertical and take pressure off your leg.  Tip:  Use the crutch to create a lean-to from the ground  the top of the other leg's thigh.  Then rest your operated leg's calf on the crutch.  This eased the pressure on everything and felt much better.  I will post a picture of that soon.

No need for pain or sleep pills.  Keeping busy and doing ok overall.  Doubt it will stay like this but enjoying it while I can.

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