Friday, May 11, 2012

Is the first four weeks over yet?

Day two of my recovery. Day 42...I wish! No real pain in my knee, but sore in lower back mostly from being in same general position all day and night and from doing all the PT exercises.

Had uncomfortable lower bowel pain last night and this morning. First I thought it might be abs with all the exercise but it was something deeper.  Tip:  If you haven't gone #2 after 24 hours of getting out the hospital, take an Ex-Lax and get things moving.  I learned later that the anesthesia they give you binds you up.  I got through without Ex-Lax, but I would recommend the easier course of action in my Tip.

<---Uncovered wound and took my first shower! Covered sutures up w waterproof bandages before going in. Tip: get a chair for the shower. It makes it easier to survive your 1st shower without use of one leg.

Did all prescribed time on CPM, ankle pumps, quad sets, and leg raises. No ice.  Took aspirin as directed and taking an Advil tonight to help with the soreness. Hurting a little under arms from all the crutch work but generally ok all things considered.

But would love to be weight bearing on this leg...has it been 4 weeks yet!?!

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